G.A. FInocchiaro

G.A. Finocchiaro


Nov. 2021 - The Omega: The Second Book of Cataclysm will be released, 11/26/21

June 2021 - The Raptor: The First Book of Cataclysm will be released, 7/27/21

Mar. 2021 - The 2nd Edition of THE KNIGHTMARES published with The Writing Bloc.

Dec. 2020 - BOGEY published as part of The Writing Bloc PASSAGEWAYS Anthology.

Sept. 2020 - New short story BOGEY to be featured in this Fall's Writing Bloc Anthology: Passageways

July 2016 - Geek of the Week



G.A. Finocchiaro was born and raised in South Jersey. He is a self-described goofball with a taste for bad jokes and good burgers. Finocchiaro currently lives in Philadelphia. The Knightmares is his first novel.

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